In 1994, ZARIF Tadjibaev was the first to invent the new ZARIF technology for forming a double thread chain stitch type 401 using a rotary looper. This technology was patented in 2000 under US Patent No. 6095069. 

ZARIF Tadjibaev, having launched a prototype of the ZARIF sewing machine based on the ZARIF sewing technology from 1994, has been working since 1997 to improve the ZARIF sewing technology from 1994 to make it an ideal technology for straight stitch sewing. 

And in 2023, ZARIF Tadjibaev achieved his goal by inventing the ideal ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology with a rotary looper for sewing straight stitches. 

We are a small technology company founded in 2012 by ZARIF Tadjibaev, and we are not in a position to put our ideal ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology into production by mass producing an industrial version of our innovative ZARIF sewing machine. 

That's why we've launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to mass produce an industrial version of our innovative ZARIF sewing machine. 

You can find out more about our campaign and support us on GoGetFunding ( 

Please consider making a donation to support our project. 

Your donation can be any amount, but if it is $10 or more, you will become a pre-order customer for the industrial version of our innovative ZARIF sewing machine and enjoy a 10% discount on the price of the machine. 

The number of industrial versions of our innovative ZARIF sewing machine you can purchase at this discounted price is equal to your donation amount divided by 10.

Once we have raised the necessary funds, we will start setting up production and you will be able to buy your order at a 10% discount when we start mass production of the industrial version of our innovative ZARIF sewing machine.



VIDEO: ZARIF has revolutionised straight stitch sewing in the history of mankind.



We have revolutionised straight stitch sewing in the history of mankind in 2023 with our revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology using a rotary looper. 

The existing technologies of lockstitch type 301 and double thread chain stitch type 401, which are currently used for sewing straight stitches, have a lot of disadvantages, which can be called «eternal» disadvantages, because the disadvantages are connected with the technology of forming these stitches. 

The «eternal» disadvantages of the existing lockstitch technologies type 301 are related to the use of the hook, which contains the bobbin with the bottom thread. 

The «eternal» disadvantages of the existing double thread chain stitch technologies type 401 are related to the use of a looper carrying the bottom thread. 

These existing sewing technologies will not become the ideal technology for straight stitch sewing, no matter how much they develop in the future, because of their «eternal» disadvantages. 

The development of an ideal technology for sewing straight stitches without the «eternal» disadvantages of existing sewing technologies can only be achieved by inventing a new technology for the formation of the double thread chain stitch type 401, as it is technically impossible to invent a new technology for the formation of the lockstitch type 301 without the use of a hook. 

We invented the world's first new ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology using a rotary looper in 1994, which was granted US Patent No.6095069 in 2000. 

The use of a rotary looper has enabled us to produce the world's first new double thread chain stitch type 401, where the loops of the top and bottom threads are rotated 180 degrees. 

We have spent 26 years perfecting our ZARIF sewing technology of the 1994, making it the world's first ideal technology for straight stitch sewing. 

Watch our «Revolutionary ZARIF Sewing Technology 2023» videos on our YouTube channel, where our prototype ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine practically demonstrates our revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper with stitch formation in one direction only. 

Our ZARIF 2023 sewing technology is the first in the world to allow high quality straight stitches on various materials up to 8 mm thick with a short needle bar stroke of 32 mm without any adjustments once the normal tension is set for all threads. 

In addition, our ZARIF 2023 sewing technology is the first in the world to allow sewing without skipping a single stitch, without breaking threads, without breaking the needle and without deforming the needle tip, provided that there are no knots in the threads and that the needle size matches the material to be sewn. 

In addition, our ZARIF 2023 sewing technology is the first in the world to reduce the length of a double thread chain stitch to 0.5 mm in order to securely tack the end of the chain seam by stitch condensation with a stitch length of 0.5 mm. 

In addition, our ZARIF 2023 sewing technology is the first in the world to increase the maximum allowable gap between the looper point and the needle to 0.5 mm, making it easy to change to other needle sizes from Nm.130/21 to Nm.60/8 without adjusting the looper to the needle. 

In addition, based on our ZARIF 2023 sewing technology, it is possible for the first time in the world to design and manufacture industrial double thread chain stitch sewing machines with different types of platforms and different types of material feed, with a very simple mechanical design that ensures high reliability and a long service life.

We are the only company in the world specialising in sewing technology for forming a double thread chain stitch using a rotary looper, founded in 2012 by a mechanical engineer and inventor, Zarif Tadjibaev. 

Our company is dedicated to improving the process of straight stitch sewing using a technology for forming a double thread chain stitch using a rotary looper. This technology was invented by our founder in 1994 and was granted US Patent No.6,095,069 in 2000 (see US Patent No.6,095,069

So, our founder, Zarif Tadjibaev, was the first person in the world who, in 1994, invented the technology of forming a double thread chain stitch type 401 using a rotary looper, naming this technology after himself «ZARIF».

Prior to his invention, the rotary looper was commonly used to form a single thread chain stitch type 101 on single thread chain stitch sewing machines and button machines. 

As is known, the rotary looper is the only working unit in stitch forming technology, consisting of a single part and capable of wrapping the thread loops around its body, turning them 180 degrees with its tail.  

Thanks to this, ZARIF technology of forming a double thread chain stitch using a rotary looper has made it possible for the first time in the world to obtain a new double thread chain stitch type 401, where the loops of the top and bottom threads are rotated by 180 degrees.

As is well known, the rotary looper was invented by American inventor James Edward Allen Gibbs in 1857 for his technology of forming a single thread chain stitch type 101 and used in his single thread chain stitch sewing machine (see US Patent No.17427

New double thread chain stitch type 401, where the loops of the top and bottom threads are rotated by 180 degrees. 

The one-piece rotary looper has three zones: head, tail and short shaft.

The one-piece rotary looper has three zones: head, tail and short shaft. The head has front and rear points, the front point to pick up the thread and the rear point to release the thread loops from the looper body. The tail has a special shape with an inclined plane to rotate the thread loops 180 degrees, and the short shaft is used to fix the looper to the shaft.  

It is known that in the technology of forming a single thread chain stitch type 101 using a rotary looper, the looper makes one revolution per needle cycle because the looper works with only one top thread. 

And, in ZARIF technology of forming double thread chain stitch type 401 using a rotary looper, the looper makes two turns per needle cycle because the looper works with two threads, i.e. the top and bottom threads. 

It is well known that the principle of forming any type of chain stitch is to lead a loop of thread into a previous loop of thread when working with a single thread, or to lead a loop of one thread into a loop of another thread when working with several threads.  

Based on this principle, when forming the double thread chain stitch type 401, first, a loop of the bottom thread is passed through the loops of the top thread, then, a loop of the top thread is passed through the loop of the bottom thread, and then the process is repeated. 

In this case, the weaving of the threads takes place on the underside of the material, therefore all the chain stitches on the underside of the material create a thickening which makes the underside of the chain stitch less resistant to wear if the underside of the chain stitch is subjected to intensive wear during use.  

In double thread chain stitch type 401, it is possible to significantly reduce the thickening of the underside of the chain stitch and to join the materials to be sewn very tightly, if the loop of the top thread is tightened strongly during the formation of the stitch, which is impossible to achieve with the existing technologies of formation of the double thread chain stitch type 401 using loopers carrying the bottom thread.  

In addition, because of the principle of chain stitch formation, all chain stitch seams are very easy to unravel from the end of the seam as well as from where the stitch skips towards the beginning of the seam.   

Therefore, the ends of all types of chain stitch seams must be reliably tacked and not have a single skip stitch, and existing technologies for forming chain stitches with loopers carrying the bottom thread cannot guarantee sewing without a single skip stitch. 

It is a well-known fact that the lockstitch type 301 and the double thread chain stitch type 401 are mainly used for sewing straight seams at present, and that the seam made with the double thread chain stitch type 401 is more durable than the seam made with the lockstitch type 301. 

This is due to the different structures of these stitches: in the lockstitch type 301, one branch of the bottom thread passes through the loop of the top thread, and in the double thread chain stitch, two branches of the bottom thread pass through the loop of the top thread. 

In the technology of formation of lockstitch type 301, the hook, inside which is located bobbin of the bottom thread, after capturing its point loop of the top thread, formed when the needle is lifted from the bottom position, expands the loop of the top thread, and further loop of the top thread bypasses the bobbin with the bottom thread and, thus, through the loop of the top thread will pass one branch of the bottom thread. 

Thus, the formation of lockstitch type 301, can only occur when using the hook, inside the bark is located bobbin with the bottom thread, and this limits the size of the bobbin, resulting in frequent bobbin changes and reduced productivity. 

In addition, the top and bottom threads of the lockstitch type 301 should be interlaced in the middle of the material to be sewn, and to achieve this, it is necessary to adjust the tension of the threads when sewing different materials with different thicknesses, stiffnesses and densities. 

It is also known that a lockstitch seam uses less thread than a chain stitch seam, but is less elastic and therefore not recommended for sewing elastic materials. 

At present, a looper carrying the bottom thread is used to form a double thread chain stitch type 401, and the loop of the top thread is tightened in two stages, in the first stage, the loop of the top thread, which is in the previous stitch, is not fully tightened by the needle, after the loop of the top thread leaves the body of the looper, forcing the use of a special needle with two long grooves to reduce the friction of the top thread on the material to be sewn. 

In the second step, the loop of the top thread in the previous stitch is tightened to the end by the looper on which the loop of the top thread is worn while the material is being feed for the length of the stitch, since, the looper and the movement of the material move opposite sides. 

This two-step tightening of the loop of the top thread, which is in the previous stitch, does not allow to tighten the loop of the top thread very tightly in the stitch, respectively, is not possible to tightly join the materials with a chain stitch seam and obtain high-quality seams on a variety of materials with different stiffness and density, which limits the application of the double thread chain stitch type 401.  

In addition, in all existing technologies for the formation of lockstitch and chain stitch, the permissible distance between the point of the hook or the point of the looper is very small and amounts to 0.15 mm, which makes it necessary to adjust the hook or looper in relation to the needle when changing from needle No.130/21 to needle No.60/8. 

Also, in all existing lockstitch and chain stitch technologies, when the needle moves down very close to the body of the hook or the body of the looper, and a slight deflection of the needle during sewing can lead to collision of the needle with the bodies of the hook or the bodies of the looper, which can result in needle breakage or deformation of the needle point. 

All the above-mentioned disadvantages of the existing technologies for forming the lockstitch type 301 and the double thread chain stitch type 401, currently used for sewing straight stitches, do not allow them to be called ideal technologies for sewing straight stitches. 

Considering that the straight stitch is the most frequently used stitch in the production of various sewing products, the development of the ideal straight stitch sewing technology has always been an urgent task. 

Since 1994, our founder and director Zarif Tadjibaev has begun to solve this urgent problem with the help of his ZARIF1994 double thread chain stitch technology with a rotary looper.

ZARIF 1994 double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper (see US Patent No. 6095069). 

Where: 1- top thread; 2- needle; 3- material; 4- needle plate; 5- bottom thread; 6- bottom thread guide; 7- rotary looper; 8- pusher of the bottom thread.

For the first time in the world, ZARIF sewing technology uses a rotary looper that makes two revolutions per needle cycle to form the double thread chain stitch type 401. 

At the beginning of the first revolution, the front point of the looper catches the loop of top thread formed by the needle as it rises from its lowest position. 

Then the looper continues to rotate, widening the loop of the top thread and then turning it 180 degrees with its tail.

At the same time, before completing the first turn of the looper, the bottom thread pusher, oscillating in a horizontal plane, feeds the bottom thread into the looper, feeding the bottom thread within the circumference of the front point of the looper so that the front point engages the bottom thread.

In this way, before the end of the first revolution of the looper, the front point of the looper catches the bottom thread fed by the bottom thread pusher, and at the beginning of the second revolution, the front point enters the loop of the top thread, which is on the body of the looper, and the looper, continuing to rotate, inserts with its body a branch of the bottom thread into the loop of the top thread. 

The top thread loop is then tightened with the top thread take-up, the top thread loop leaves the looper body through the rear point of the looper and the top thread loop is finally tightened. 

At the same time, after the final tightening of the top thread loop, a bottom thread loop is formed from the bottom thread branch, and on the second turn of the looper, the bottom thread loop is also expanded and rotated 180 degrees by the tail of the looper, just like the top thread loop.  

At the end of the second rotation of the looper, the front point of the looper grips the loop of the top thread formed by the needle as it rises from the lower position, then the front point of the looper enters the loop of the bottom thread on the looper body, and the looper body inserts the loop of the top thread into the loop of the bottom thread. 

The bottom thread loop is then tightened with the bottom thread take-up, the bottom thread loop leaves the looper body through the rear point of the looper and the bottom thread loop is finally tightened. 

The stitch formation process is then repeated.

Thanks to the use of the rotary looper in the ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology invented in 1994, the following revolutions in sewing technology have taken place: 

1. A new double thread chain stitch type 401, in which the loops of the top and bottom threads are rotated 180 degrees, was created for the first time in the world. 

2. For the first time in the world, a conventional needle with one long groove is used to form the double thread chain stitch type 401, as the needle is not involved in tightening the loop of the top thread located in the previous stitch. 

3. For the first time in the world, two rotating twin-disc cam thread take-ups are used to feed and tension the top and bottom threads, separately for each thread to form a double thread chain stitch type 401. 

4.  For the first time in the world, the collision of the needle with the looper body during the downward movement of the needle when forming the double thread chain stitch type 401 is completely eliminated. 

In 1994, Zarif Tadjibaev filed a patent application for his ZARIF 1994 sewing technology with the Uzbek Patent Office and in 1995 filed an International Patent Application No.PCT/UZ95/00001 with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), which received positive results from the international search and preliminary examination. The patent application was then filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and US Patent No.6095069 was granted in 2000 (

PCT_UZ1995-00001_ZARIF_Double-thread chain-stitch sewing machin. 

US Patent 6095069_ZARIF_Double-thread chain-stitch sewing machine. 

In 1997 Zarif Tadjibaev with the purpose of practical study of ZARIF 1994 double thread chain stitch technology made a prototype of ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine by reconstructing industrial lockstitch sewing machine class 1022 of «Orsha» company (Belarus), which had a flat platform, bottom feed, with needle bar stroke of 32 mm and with adjustable stitch length from 0 to 5 mm. 

Thanks to the prototype ZARIF sewing machine, Zarif Tadjibaev was able to discover some disadvantages of the ZARIF 1994 double thread chain stitch technology when sewing various materials at high sewing speeds. 

ZARIF Tadjibaev started in 1997 to improve the ZARIF 1994 double thread chain stitch technology to make it the most ideal technology for straight stitch sewing. 

Zarif Tadjibaev is a good specialist in the field of sewing technologies and patent business, as he graduated with honours from the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry as a mechanical engineer of machines and apparatuses of light industry, and also worked for more than 20 years at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, where he taught bachelor's subjects «Machine parts» and «Equipment of sewing production» and master's subject «Patent Law», and from 2002 to 2004 he worked as the head of the department of sewing technologies. 

In 2001, Zarif Tadjibaev defended his PhD thesis entitled «Development and justification of parameters of working units of sewing machine with double thread chain stitch» in the field of «Machines and units of light industry». 

At the end of 2011, Zarif Tadjibaev left the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry and founded his own company, ZARIF SEWING MACHINE CO., LTD., in 2012, to devote himself exclusively to further improving his ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology, which he invented in 1994, to make it the world's ideal technology for straight stitch sewing. 

According to Zarif Tadjibaev, the ideal technology for sewing with a straight stitch is a sewing technology which, after setting the normal tension of the threads, allows sewing qualitatively different materials of different thickness, stiffness, density and elasticity without any adjustments, without the need for adjustments when changing the number of needles and without frequent thread changes, and which also performs the sewing process without skipping a stitch, without breaking the thread, without breaking the needle and without deforming the needle tip, and also allows the end of the seam to be reliably tacked. 

In order to achieve his goal, Zarif Tadjibaev carried out continuous scientific research since 1997 to improve the ZARIF 1994 sewing technology and tested the technological solutions he found in practice on a prototype of the ZARIF sewing machine to find out whether the ZARIF sewing technology had become the ideal technology for straight stitch sewing. 

As a result, Zarif Tadjibaev approached his goal in 2020 and 2021 with the ZARIF 2020 sewing technology and the ZARIF 2021 sewing technology, and reached his goal in September 2023 with the revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology, on the basis of which the prototype of the ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine worked. 

It is well known that most modern industrial sewing machines and all automated sewing systems have automatic thread trimming.  

Therefore, Zarif Tadjibaev spent a very long time in scientific research on the development of automatic thread trimming technology for his ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper. 

Finally, in 2020, he succeeded in inventing the automatic thread trimming technology for his ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper, which he perfected in 2021 and 2023. 

Zarif Tadjibaev plans to patent his inventions that he invented in 2023, such as the revolutionary ideal ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper and automatic thread trimming technology, in many countries around the world.

The prototype of the ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine, based on the revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper. 

The prototype of the ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine, based on the revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper, has practically demonstrated the ability to form a stitch in only one direction with stitch lengths from 0.5 to 5 mm and the possibility of quality sewing of various materials up to 8 mm thick with a small needle bar stroke of 32 mm without any adjustment after setting the normal tension for all threads.

It should be noted here that Zarif Tadjibaev has a technical solution to increase the stitch length to 10 mm for the ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology.

Based on the ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with stitch formation in one direction only, various industrial sewing machines can be designed and manufactured with different platform types and material feed types, where the material is fed in one direction only. 

Also, based on the ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with stitch formation in one direction only, it is also possible to design and manufacture various automated sewing systems where the material is fed in one direction only. 

In addition, based on the ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with stitch formation in only one direction, it is possible to design and manufacture various automatic pattern sewing machines with 360 degree rotary head, where the rotating head and the lower part with needle plate can synchronously rotate in a range of 360 degrees depending on the direction of the material feed, which makes it possible to obtain any complex stitch seams. 

However, such an automatic pattern sewing machine with a 360° rotary head, like similar machines on the market, would have a rather complex mechanical design and sophisticated software to ensure synchronous rotation of the head and the lower part depending on the direction of the material feed. 

For this reason, Zarif Tadjibaev has been conducting scientific research for a very long time in order to use the ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology with a rotary looper to obtain a stitch with material feed in any direction, i.e. to obtain any complex stitch seam without the use of a 360° rotary head on conventional automatic pattern sewing machines. 

Finally, in 2020, he succeeded in inventing a device that allowed the ZARIF double thread chain stitch technology with a rotary looper to obtain a stitch with material feed in any direction, which he perfected in 2021 and 2023. 

Zarif Tadjibaev plans to test the 2023 device in practice in the future by manufacturing a prototype of an automatic pattern sewing machine based on the ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with a rotary looper. If he gets positive results, then it will be possible to design and manufacture various automatic pattern sewing machines, automatic sewing systems and single- or double-head quilting machines based on the ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology.   

ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology opens a new era for the development of automatic straight stitch sewing, because only it allows to sew without frequent thread change, without skipping a stitch, without thread break, without breaking the needle, without deformation of the needle tip, as well as to perform high quality sewing of various materials without any adjustments after setting the normal tension for all threads, all of which are very important for automatic sewing. 

For the first time in the world, our new double thread chain stitch type 401 can replace the lockstitch type 301 on a large scale.

In addition, the ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology enables the world's first large-scale replacement of the lockstitch type 301 with the new double thread chain stitch type 401. 

The ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology will also enable us to complete our next global mission with straight stitching: 

1. To simplify the mechanical design of a sewing machine for straight thread seams. 

2. To sew a straight thread seams without skipping stitches, thread breakage, needle breakage and needle tip deformation.

3. To ensure high quality sewing with straight thread seams on different materials and combinations of materials up to 8 mm thick with a short needle bar stroke of 32 mm without adjusting the normal tension of the threads.

4. To ensure tight joining of all types of materials without adjusting the normal tension of the threads with our new double thread chain stitch type 401, where the loops of the top and bottom threads are rotated 180 degrees. 

5. To ensure a smooth thread seam when sewing lightweight fabrics and an elastic thread seam when sewing elastic fabrics without adjusting the normal tension of the threads.

6. To ensure that the end of the chain seam is reliably tack against unravelling by reducing the stitch length to 0.5 mm using condensation stitching at the end of the chain seam.

7. To provide an easy transition to other needle numbers when sewing different materials without adjusting the looper relative to the needle, in the range from needle number Nm.130/21 to needle number Nm.60/8, by increasing the maximum allowable gap between the point of the looper and the needle to 0.5 mm.

8. To ensure the further development of the automation of the sewing process in sewing with straight thread seams.

9. To ensure high reliability and high service life of sewing machines and automatic sewing systems in sewing with straight thread seams.

10. To provide large-scale replacement of the lockstitch type 301 with our new double thread chain stitch type 401, thus eliminating the need to frequently refill the bottom thread during the sewing process. 

We are the first and only company in the world to have revolutionised straight stitch sewing in the history of mankind with our revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper. 

Our prototype ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine has practically proved that our revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper is a world leader in sewing various materials with straight stitch, and for the first time in the world makes it possible to replace the lockstitch type 301 with our new double thread chain stitch type 401 on a very large scale (watch our video films «Revolutionary ZARIF sewing technology 2023» on our YouTube channel). 

We are a small technology company with no production capacity, equipment, manpower and financial resources to start the commercialisation of our revolutionary ideal ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with the development and mass production of an industrial version of our prototype ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine with automatic functions that meets the requirements of standards and safety requirements. 

Therefore, our founder and director Zarif Tadjibaev launched a crowdfunding campaign on the GoGetFunding platform to raise the necessary funds for the development and mass production of an industrial version of our prototype ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine, based on our ZARIF 2023 double thread chain stitch technology with rotary looper. 


Help us raise the necessary funds for the development and mass production of an industrial version of our prototype ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine with automatic functions, which meets the requirements of standards and safety requirements, by donating any amount, and if your donation is $10 or more, you will automatically become a customer of our industrial version of the ZARIF sewing machine, the quantity of your order will be determined by dividing your donation by 10, you will then be able to purchase your order from us with a 10% discount once we start mass production. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to quote a retail price for the industrial version of the ZARIF sewing machine at this time, as this will not be known until after mass production, but we can confidently say that the retail price will be competitive as the ZARIF sewing machine is the first sewing machine of its kind in the world with a very simple mechanical design. 

We will use the funds to purchase existing production facilities or build new ones. We will also use the money to recruit highly skilled professionals for our company, including mechanical engineers, electricians, electronics specialists, programmers and other technical experts. We will also employ workers to assemble and customise the industrial version of the ZARIF sewing machine. We will purchase industrial equipment, including numerically controlled metal cutting machines and 3D printers that can work with plastic and metal. Finally, we will hire marketing and sales professionals to promote our products. 

All those involved in our fundraising campaign for our project can follow the progress of the mass production of the industrial version of our prototype ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine on our website in the «News» section. 

After we start mass production of our industrial version of our prototype ZARIF double thread chain stitch sewing machine, we will send an email to all our customers who donated $10 or more to our crowdfunding campaign and automatically became our customers, informing them that they can purchase their order with a 10% discount.